Global Financial Data Expands its Coverage of Consumer Price Indices, Producer Price Indices and Unemployment Rates

Global Financial Data has added over 30 new Consumer Price and Producer Price Indices to its database as well as 25 new Unemployment Rates. With these additions, the GFDatabase now includes data on Consumer Price Indices from over 170 countries and data on Producer Price Indices and Unemployment Rates from over 100 countries. If you go to the search engine and choose Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index or Unemployment Rate under the Main Indicators, you can obtain a list of the countries for which we have CPI files, PPI files and Unemployment Rates. Global Financial Data also calculates the Annual Inflation Rate for each country. To obtain the CPI for a particular country you can use the mnemonic CP + 3-letter ISO Code + M and to obtain the PPI for a particular country, you can use the mnemonic WP + 3-letter ISO Code + M. Consequently, the CPI for the United States is CPUSAM and the Producer Price Index is WPUSAM. To obtain data for the annual rate of Inflation, add APC to the code which would yield CPUSAMAPC for the Annual Inflation Rate for Consumer Prices in the United States.

A list of the new files is provided below:

Country Ticker Type Periodicity Begins
Bermuda CPBMUM Consumer Prices Monthly 2012
Bhutan CPBTNM Consumer Prices Monthly 2003
Cape Verde CPCVEM Consumer Prices Monthly 2006
Cayman Islands CPCYMM Consumer Prices Quarterly 1994
Faroe Islands CPFROM Consumer Prices Quarterly 1983
Liberia CPLBRM Consumer Prices Monthly 2005
Puerto Rico CPPRIM Consumer Prices Monthly 2006
Vanuatu CPVUTM Consumer Prices Quarterly 1998
Albania WPALBM Producer Prices Quarterly 1998
Algeria WPDZAM Producer Prices Quarterly 1997
Angola WPAGOM Producer Prices Monthly 2014
Azerbaijan WPAZEM Producer Prices Monthly 2012
Bhutan WPBTNM Producer Prices Monthly 2011
Cyprus WPCYPM Producer Prices Monthly 1968
Fiji WPFJIM Producer Prices Quarterly 2012
Iceland WPISLM Producer Prices Monthly 2003
Kenya WPKENM Producer Prices Quarterly 2011
Kosovo WPKSVM Producer Prices Quarterly 2008
Macedonia WPMKDM Producer Prices Monthly 1993
Malta WPMLTM Producer Prices Monthly 2000
Mauritius WPMUSM Producer Prices Monthly 2007
Moldova WPMDAM Producer Prices Monthly 2011
Mongolia WPMNGM Producer Prices Monthly 2015
Mozambique WPMOZM Producer Prices Monthly 2011
Oman WPOMNM Producer Prices Quarterly 2010
Palestine WPPSEM Producer Prices Monthly 1996
Qatar WPQATM Producer Prices Monthly 2014
Rwanda WPRWAM Producer Prices Quarterly 2011
Saudi Arabia WPSAUM Producer Prices Monthly 1985
Senegal WPSENM Producer Prices Monthly 2008
Seychelles WPSYCM Producer Prices Monthly 2013
Tanzania WPTZAM Producer Prices Quarterly 2014
Trinidad And Tobago WPTTOM Producer Prices Quarterly 1978
Uganda WPUGAM Producer Prices Monthly 2011
Vietnam WPVNMM Producer Prices Quarterly 2011
Afghanistan UNAFGM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Angola UNAGOM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Albania UNALBM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1991
Bosnia and Herzegovina UNBIHM Unemployment Rate Monthly 1991
Brunei Darussalam UNBRNM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Cape Verde UNCVEM Unemployment Rate Annual 1990
Ethiopia UNETHM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Faroe Islands UNFROM Unemployment Rate Monthly 1995
Georgia UNGEOM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Guatemala UNGTMM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1991
Iran UNIRNM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1991
Kyrgyzstan UNKGZM Unemployment Rate Monthly 1991
Kosovo UNKSVM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 2001
Kuwait UNKWTM Unemployment Rate Annual 1983
Mongolia UNMNGM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1990
Namibia UNNAMM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Nigeria UNNGAM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1991
Nicaragua UNNICM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1980
Puerto Rico UNPRIM Unemployment Rate Monthly 1990
West Bank and Gaza UNPSEM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1991
Qatar UNQATM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1991
Rwanda UNRWAM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Syria UNSYRM Unemployment Rate Annual 1991
Tajikistan UNTJKM Unemployment Rate Monthly 1991
Uzbekistan UNUZBM Unemployment Rate Quarterly 1991

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