Events in Time Anniversaries: October 2019


25 years ago: October 1994

S&P 500: 472.35 (vs. 2938.79 in 10/2019) 10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 7.81% (vs. 1.56% in 10/2019) Gold: $383.85 (vs. $1501.25 in 10/2019) Oil: $18.165 (vs. $52.84 in 10/2019) GBP/USD: 1.6357 (vs. 1.229 in 10/2019) US GDP: $7,331 billion (vs. $21,340 billion in 06/2019) US Population: 260 million (vs. 328 million in 2019) 10/02/1994: The U.S. and Japan reach a trade accord after months of sticky disagreements. State Farm raises its loss estimate from the January California earthquake to nearly $2 billion, the largest of any insurer. 10/09/1994: U.S. forces deploy to the Persian Gulf as Iraqi troops move toward Kuwait. 10/11/1994: The Russian ruble plummets 21.5% versus the dollar on what would be called Black Tuesday. 10/12/1994: NASA loses radio contact with the Magellan spacecraft as the probe descends into the thick atmosphere of Venus (the spacecraft presumably burned up in the atmosphere). 10/19/1994: The Justice Department investigates alleged price-fixing on the Nasdaq market. 10/21/1994: North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea and the United States sign an agreement that requires North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program and agree to inspections. 10/26/1994: Jordan and Israel sign a peace treaty. 10/29/1994: Francisco Martin Duran fires over two dozen shots at the White House (Duran is later convicted of trying to kill US President Bill Clinton).  

50 years ago: October 1969

S&P 500: 97.12 (vs. 2938.79 in 10/2019) 10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 6.94% (vs. 1.56% in 10/2019) Gold: $39.75 (vs. $1501.25 in 10/2019) Oil: $3.21 (vs. $52.84 in 10/2019) GBP/USD: 2.3946 (vs. 1.229 in 10/2019) US GDP: $1,030 billion (vs. $21,340 billion in 06/2019) US Population: 205 million (vs. 328 million in 2019) 10/01/1969: Concorde breaks the sound barrier for the first time. 10/05/1969: The first episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus airs on BBC One. 10/09/1969: In Chicago, the United States National Guard is called in for crowd control as demonstrations continue in connection with the trial of the "Chicago Eight" that began on September 24. 10/14/1969: Peace hopes bolstered market. Volume highest in nearly a year. The United Kingdom introduces the British fifty-pence coin, which replaces, over the following years, the British ten-shilling note, in anticipation of the decimalization of the British currencyin1971, and the abolition of the shilling as a unit of currency anywhere in the world. 10/15/1969: Vietnam War; The Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam is held in Washington D.C. and across the US. Over two million demonstrate nationally; about 250,000 in Washington D.C. 10/17/1969: Arthur Burns succeeded Martin as FRB chairman. 10/20/1969: Sugar strong on government ban of cyclamates. 10/22/1969: Willy Brandt (Social Democratic Party ) became Chancellor of Germany 10/28/1969: Australian federal election, 1969: John Gorton reelected as Prime Minister. 10/29/1969: The first-ever computer-to-computer link is established on ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet.  

100 years ago: October 1919

S&P 500: 9.6235 (vs. 2938.79 in 10/2019) 10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 4.71% (vs. 1.56% in 10/2019) Gold: $20.67 (vs. $1501.25 in 10/2019) Oil: $4.25 (vs. $52.84 in 10/2019) GBP/USD: 4.16 (vs. 1.229 in 10/2019) US GDP: $84 billion (vs. $21,340 billion in 06/2019) US Population: 104 million (vs. 328 million in 2019) 10/02/1919: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson suffers a massive stroke, leaving him partially paralyzed. 10/07/1919: Italian currency depreciates in value, the lire being quoted at 41.35 to the 1. British Currency Notes increase by 3,847,000 to 335,021,000. 10/09/1919: Black Sox Scandal: The Cincinnati Reds win the World Series. 10/15/1919: French Senate approves of Peace Treaty. Special rate of 4 1/2 percent on foreign money withdrawn. There was a reduction of 1,050,000 in Currency Notes to 338,436,000. Government securities reduced by 1,098,000, and the balance at the Bank of England was 120,000 higher. 10/17/1919: RCA is incorporated as the Radio Corporation of America. 10/28/1919: The U.S. Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson's veto, paving the way for Prohibition to begin the following January.  

200 years ago: October 1819

S&P 500/GFD US-100: 1.5716 (vs. 2938.79in 10/2019) 10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 4.545% (vs. 1.56% in 10/2019) Gold: $19.39 (vs. $1501.25 in 10/2019) GBP/USD: 4.48 (vs. 1.229 in 10/2019) US GDP: $727 million (vs. $21,340 billion in 06/2019) US Population: 9.379 million (vs. 328 million in 2019) 10/03/1819: Erie Canal first navigated from Utica to Rome, 15 miles. 10/11/1819: For order of Francisco de Paula Santander, Spanish colonel Jose Maria Barreiro and 38 Spanish officers were executed in Bogota.

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