Events in Time Anniversaries: July 2020

Events in Time Anniversaries: July 2020

25 years ago: July 1995

S&P 500: 562.06 (vs. 3185.04 in 07/2020)

10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 6.45% (vs. 0.64% in 07/2020)

Gold: $383.35 (vs. $1803.10 in 07/2020)

Oil: $17.555 (vs. $40.55 in 07/2020)

GBP/USD: 1.597 (vs. 1.2621 in 07/2020)

US GDP: $7,581 billion (vs. $21,534 billion in 03/2020)

US Population: 266 million (vs. 331 million in 2020)

07/01/1995: West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu made the first call from Kolkata to inaugurate the cellular services in India

07/02/1995: TWA seeks bankruptcy protection.

07/05/1995: The Republic of Armenia adopts its constitution, four years after its independence from the Soviet Union.

07/06/1995: The Fed trims a pivotal short-term rate by 0.25%. The 30-year Treasury bond's yield tumbles to 6.49%. In the Bosnian War, under the command of General Ratko Mladi, Serbia begins its attack on the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, and kills more than 8000 Bosniaks, in what then- UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali called "the worst crime on European soil since the Second World War".

07/18/1995: On the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufrire Hills volcano erupts. Over the course of several years, it devastates the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee.

07/19/1995: Technology stocks plummet on disappointing Intel earnings and a sour report to analysts by Microsoft.

07/26/1995: Three big unions -- steelworkers, auto workers and machinists -- will merge to create the largest U.S. industrial union. Sprint will spin off its cellular unit.

07/28/1995: Norwegian Finance Minister Sigbjorn Johnsen says that Norway should not lower its crude oil production in an attempt to boost world oil prices. Norwegian Oil Minister Jens Stoltenberg believes production cuts may be necessary if prices begin to fall. Minister Johnsen's remarks follow last month's visit by Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Hisham M. Nazer, who asked Minister Stoltenberg to cut Norway's crude oil production. (PON)

07/31/1995: Disney agrees to purchase Capital Cities/ABC in a $19 billion pact, the second-largest acquisition in U.S. history.


50 years ago: July 1970

S&P 500: 78.05 (vs. 3185.04 in 07/2020)

10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 7.38% (vs. 0.64% in 07/2020)

Gold: $35.30 (vs. $1803.10 in 07/2020)

Oil: $3.21 (vs. $40.55 in 07/2020)

GBP/USD: 2.3912 (vs. 1.2621 in 07/2020)

US GDP: $1,067 billion (vs. $21,534 billion in 03/2020)

US Population: 209 million (vs. 331 million in 2020)

07/03/1970: The Troubles: The "Falls Curfew" begins inBelfast,Northern Ireland.

07/08/1970: Richard Nixon delivers a special congressional message enunciating Native American self-determination as official US Indian policy, leading to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975.

07/21/1970: After 11 years of construction, the Aswan High Dam in Egypt is completed.

07/27/1970: Small pipe bomb exploded at entrance to Bank of America's Wall Street office.


100 years ago: July 1920

S&P 500: 7.6823 (vs. 3185.04 in 07/2020)

10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 5.57% (vs. 0.64% in 07/2020)

Gold: $20.67 (vs. $1803.10 in 07/2020)

Oil: $6.10 (vs. $40.55 in 07/2020)

GBP/USD: 3.7175 (vs. 1.2621 in 07/2020)

US GDP: $84 billion (vs. $21,734 billion in 03/2020)

US Population: 106.46 million (vs. 329 million in 2020)

07/05/1920: Democrats nominate Cox on 49th ballot (Frisco) (F.D. Roosevelt - Vice President).

07/08/1920: Polish Soviet War: The Galician Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) was established in Ternopil.

07/11/1920: In the East Prussian plebiscite the local populace decides to remain with Weimar Germany.

07/12/1920: The Soviet-Lithuanian Peace Treaty is signed. Soviet Russia recognizes independent Lithuania.

07/16/1920: World's first radiotelephone service commences public service between Los Angeles, CA and Santa Catalina Island.

07/19/1920: Pal Teleki (Christian National Union) became Prime Minister of Hungary. Antonio Joaquim Granjo (Democratic) became Prime Minister of Portugal

07/27/1920: A 100,000-share block of General Motors fell suddenly on market. William C. Durant, General Motors president, bought most of it on way down from 28 to 12, and lost nearly $90 million.

07/29/1920: First Transcontinental airmail.


200 years ago: July 1820

S&P 500/GFD US-100: 1.634 (vs. 3606.59 in 07/2020)

10-year U.S. Government Bond Yield: 4.317% (vs. 0.71% in 07/2020)

Gold: $19.39 (vs. $1803.10 in 07/2020)

GBP/USD: 4.5167 (vs. 1.2621 in 07/2020)

US GDP: $727 million (vs. $21,534 billion in 03/2020)

US Population: 9.6 million (vs. 331 million in 2020)

07/1820: A revolution breaks out in Naples against King Ferdinand I.


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